In windy, choppy & challenging conditions Amelia & Chloe contested the Port Fairy Ocean Swim today. This 1200m swim is the first leg of a series of three swims held on the Ship Wreck Coast. The next will be at Port Campbell in January. Both did well, with Chloe managing a last minute dash to win the junior girls section. All part & parcel of their preparation for the "Sea 2 See" crossing in August!
Over the past two weeks, the girls have spent many hours selling raffle tickets at a local supermarket. They had assistance from 10 year old Aislinn, who has become a valuable helper for TOTM-together they raised around $500AUD. This means that they have raised around $1500 of their $25,000 goal so far, with bigger events planned for next year.
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Thursday, 20 December 2007
Merry Christmas and a happy season of swimming!
Such a busy time of the year! In between the training and socialising, the girls from Team T.O.T.M. have put their thinking caps on for their fundraising efforts. In Australia, Chloe and Amelia are currently spending a couple of hours a day selling raffle tickets at one of the local supermarkets- they have had prizes donated from Quest Apartments in Warrnambool, a $100 grocery hamper from IGA Supermarket and a fashion pack from the Karras family. With the raffle not drawn until December 31st, they are hoping to raise another few hundred towards the overall goal of $25,000.
In January, they have been allowed to have a BBQ at the local Bunnings hardware store-other groups have been raising $1000 or so from these days, so it should go well.
On Jersey Island, Alice, Bianca, Chantelle & Tamsin have come up with some ideas for absailing and a distance swim in the local pool (The same distance as the Channel itself).
Keep up all of the good work girls!
In January, they have been allowed to have a BBQ at the local Bunnings hardware store-other groups have been raising $1000 or so from these days, so it should go well.
On Jersey Island, Alice, Bianca, Chantelle & Tamsin have come up with some ideas for absailing and a distance swim in the local pool (The same distance as the Channel itself).
Keep up all of the good work girls!
Monday, 10 December 2007
Long time, no blog!
Just a quick update on the TOTM Team- the Aussie girls are in full training, alternating between day swims in Lady Bay and night swims in the Hopkins River. They have had to deal with a variety of conditions- and have done so with style! This is on top of the normal pool training that they do each week.
Last Saturday, they participated in a "Big Day Out"- where they had 4 1hour swims over the day at various venues around the Southern Coast of Victoria.
The Jersey girls are heading into winter- so not a lot of Open Water training for them at the moment!
Both groups are about to organise various fundraisers for the "Sea 2 See" challenge supporting the Fred Hollows Foundation :to keep them even busier over the next few months!
At the moment I am in the process of finalising a sponsor-hopefully we can announce that soon!
TOTM Team Manager
Last Saturday, they participated in a "Big Day Out"- where they had 4 1hour swims over the day at various venues around the Southern Coast of Victoria.
The Jersey girls are heading into winter- so not a lot of Open Water training for them at the moment!
Both groups are about to organise various fundraisers for the "Sea 2 See" challenge supporting the Fred Hollows Foundation :to keep them even busier over the next few months!
At the moment I am in the process of finalising a sponsor-hopefully we can announce that soon!
TOTM Team Manager
Wednesday, 3 October 2007 is a wonderful thing!
Last Sunday, the Internet allowed the TOTM team members on opposite sides of the World to speak "face to face"! Although it was nearly 10pm Saturday night on Jersey Island and 7am Sunday morning in Australia the girls were able to use Messenger for a video conference!
It was a great opportunity for them to catch up with one another-especially when you consider the Challenge ahead!
Pictured above for the first time-the Jersey girls! TOTM is excited that
Bianca, Alice, Chantelle and Tasmin will be joining them in the "Sea 2 See" Challenge!
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Under unfortunate circumstances Amelia could not make it to Wollongong. I ended up being the only TOTM representative-it was scary! We flew out of Geelong,were collected from Sydney Airport by Penny Tribe from the Fred Hollows Foundation and she took us to the train station. I really enjoyed meeting her. We then took the train to Wollongong.
We had a lovely stay at the Hotel Ibis. The morning after we arrived, we jumped in a hire car and went over to the WIN TV studios. Once we got there, everyone was very nice. They helped me whenever I needed help. We did not realise that Ricki Lee Coulter ( a famous Australian singer who was on Australi
an Idol) was going to be on the same show that day.

I got a bit nervous when I was about to go on the "Susie" show, but then I was fine. Susie was really nice and I felt like I was just having a normal conversation with her.

After we had spent the day at WIN, I was given a lovely bunch of flowers & we got picked up in a limo and driven back to Sydney Airport!
It was an awesome experience and got a lot of publicity for TOTM!
Chloe X0X0
Also thanks to Warrnambool's Harvey Norman Store, Commonwealth Bank & Flight Centre for making this trip possible.
Deanne- Team Manager
Friday, 10 August 2007
T.O.T.M.'s next transition...

So much has been happening!
Kerry has decided not to be involved with the junior girls swim next year....hopefully she will complete a two way crossing in July 2008 with some other people from Warrnambool instead!
TOTM looks forward to her continued involvement with the fundraising for the Fred Hollows Foundation and also hopes to be able to help the other 3 young people involved with the two Double Crossing teams.
Amelia & Chloe will be travelling to Wollongong next week to appear on the "SUSIE" TV show. This is a fantastic opportunity to spread the word about the "SEA 2 SEE" Swim, and how the girls are aiming to help others. Of course, the travel was an expense not needed at this point in time and the girls were fortunate enough to receive assistance from some local businesses: Harvey Norman Warrnambool (, Flight Centre Warrnambool ( and also the Warrnambool branch of the Commonwealth Bank ( Without these supporters TOTM would not be able to get to Wollongong! THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU!
After this trip, the girls will be looking into organising a "Battle Of The Bands" night-also featuring some up and coming young comedians! Should be a great night!
Of course, along the way they'll try to fit in some school, training and socialising......
Monday, 30 July 2007
Kerry dips in!
Saturday July 28th was the two year anniversary since we swam the English Channel with our relay teams. My Dad and I drove into Warrnambool to meet a few of the other swimmers. It was the first time that I had been swimming in the ocean at home for a while, as I had been on holidays...somewhere with warmer water!
I was absolutely freezing, and lips and toes had gone numb..but, at evry stop I still managed a grin-I was loving it! (and the hot shower and drinks afterwards were quite good also!)
I'm really looking forward to this opportunity to swim the Channel with some great girls, and raise funds for the Fred Hollows Foundations.
The team from T.O.T.M. also welcomes on board it's members from Jersey Island: Bianca, Tasmin & Chantelle. Welcome, ladies!
I was absolutely freezing, and lips and toes had gone numb..but, at evry stop I still managed a grin-I was loving it! (and the hot shower and drinks afterwards were quite good also!)
I'm really looking forward to this opportunity to swim the Channel with some great girls, and raise funds for the Fred Hollows Foundations.
The team from T.O.T.M. also welcomes on board it's members from Jersey Island: Bianca, Tasmin & Chantelle. Welcome, ladies!
Thursday, 5 July 2007
Cold? Windy?Icy Water? Perfect day for a swim then!
Somebody remind me why am I doing this again? It may really be around 9 degrees out of the water but standing here in my bathers it feels about 2 degrees.....
..A TV show needed some video footage of us so we, being me and Amelia, had to once again go for a swim this time in 11.5 degree water. Let me set the scene for you....
...OK in the car getting ready (putting our goggles and cap on) sit Amelia & me trying to stay in the car as long as possible for out of the car it's one of the windiest days EVA!!
Finally when mum gets us out of the car we run as fast as we could towards the 11.5 degree water. I know what your thinking why towards the FREEZING cold water, at this point we weren't thinking straight so we thought the water would be warmer. BIG MISTAKE!!
After we had stood on the ladder for about 10minutes we took a deep breath, and.......
.... in we drop! Then there was that minute of not breathing properly and that second when you just feel -sometimes for me & amelia it's not just feel- like screaming. We then ,after all that, only went for a 10minute swim. After the swim we rugged up in our deck coats and hurried to the car. I'm not sure about Amelia but as soon as I got home I had a warm shower and a hot chocolate.
Looking back on it now I'm just glad that we completed this one step towards helping people.
I also went into the 11.5degree water another time this past week. I had an interview with the local WIN news. It was really scary because I was out there alone but once again I'm just glad I did it because it was on the TV so more people learned about what TOTM is doing for the Fred Hollows Foundation and for the teenagers of the world.
C-ya later
Chloe Jones
..A TV show needed some video footage of us so we, being me and Amelia, had to once again go for a swim this time in 11.5 degree water. Let me set the scene for you....
...OK in the car getting ready (putting our goggles and cap on) sit Amelia & me trying to stay in the car as long as possible for out of the car it's one of the windiest days EVA!!
Finally when mum gets us out of the car we run as fast as we could towards the 11.5 degree water. I know what your thinking why towards the FREEZING cold water, at this point we weren't thinking straight so we thought the water would be warmer. BIG MISTAKE!!
After we had stood on the ladder for about 10minutes we took a deep breath, and.......
.... in we drop! Then there was that minute of not breathing properly and that second when you just feel -sometimes for me & amelia it's not just feel- like screaming. We then ,after all that, only went for a 10minute swim. After the swim we rugged up in our deck coats and hurried to the car. I'm not sure about Amelia but as soon as I got home I had a warm shower and a hot chocolate.
Looking back on it now I'm just glad that we completed this one step towards helping people.
I also went into the 11.5degree water another time this past week. I had an interview with the local WIN news. It was really scary because I was out there alone but once again I'm just glad I did it because it was on the TV so more people learned about what TOTM is doing for the Fred Hollows Foundation and for the teenagers of the world.
C-ya later
Chloe Jones
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Night, Oh glorious Night!
What would make any self respecting and sane human being enter a river in the darkest night, when the water temperature was a crisp 10.6c and the wind was blowing strongly from the ice bergs at the bottom of the World? And what would make any teenage girl join in such an outlandish scheme?
Well, if you are a girl named Amelia (14) or Chloe(13) you join in because it is part of your preparation for an attempt at a crossing of the English Channel. You do so because together with another friend Kerry (15 and currently holidaying somewhere warmer!) you have formed a group called TOTM (Teens On The Move) aiming to inspire other young people to get out there and "have a go" and also because you are trying to raise $25,000AUD for the Fred Hollows Foundation-naming the attempt "Sea 2 See".
L to R:Chloe, Kerry & Amelia in Lady Bay-water 12c
But back to the night swim....we gathered at the fray-actually, it was a slippery boat ramp but that's close! Glow sticks were attached and swimmers stripped. Did the fact that it was blowing a gale, the water was freezing and we couldn't see a bloody thing deter us? Well, yes actually!
As Team Manager of TOTM, I decided that it would be safer if I paddled a board-safer, but not warmer! Also, not being very proficient on a board at the best of times, paddling at night into a strong head wind quickly saw me deciding that swimming may have been the safer option!
However, after a quick 15 minute dip (and a 20minute paddle for me!) which 9 started and 8 finished ( one swimmer decided that after 2metres this was not something which she really needed to do at this point of her life! She waited onshore.), we reassembled on the shore with a mixture of disbelief and exhilaration.
Had they really swam out into the night? Most heads may not have spent much time in the water-with young Chloe heard saying:" Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" much of the way (not quite sure whether he was listening or not because that bloody wind did NOT abate!); but hey, it was a first attempt and it's not going to get much worse!
I've advised the girls that they can get used to the thought of more night swims (hopefully in better conditions-coz I'm not getting back on that board otherwise!). Their training is going to encompass many different conditions and challenges. They also have to keep their school work up to date whilst organising fundraisers for the "Sea 2 See" Challenge. It's not going to be easy, but to paraphrase Capt M. Webb"- nothing ever is. And they've got a real B#$%^ of a Team Manager!!!
Well, if you are a girl named Amelia (14) or Chloe(13) you join in because it is part of your preparation for an attempt at a crossing of the English Channel. You do so because together with another friend Kerry (15 and currently holidaying somewhere warmer!) you have formed a group called TOTM (Teens On The Move) aiming to inspire other young people to get out there and "have a go" and also because you are trying to raise $25,000AUD for the Fred Hollows Foundation-naming the attempt "Sea 2 See".

But back to the night swim....we gathered at the fray-actually, it was a slippery boat ramp but that's close! Glow sticks were attached and swimmers stripped. Did the fact that it was blowing a gale, the water was freezing and we couldn't see a bloody thing deter us? Well, yes actually!
As Team Manager of TOTM, I decided that it would be safer if I paddled a board-safer, but not warmer! Also, not being very proficient on a board at the best of times, paddling at night into a strong head wind quickly saw me deciding that swimming may have been the safer option!
However, after a quick 15 minute dip (and a 20minute paddle for me!) which 9 started and 8 finished ( one swimmer decided that after 2metres this was not something which she really needed to do at this point of her life! She waited onshore.), we reassembled on the shore with a mixture of disbelief and exhilaration.
Had they really swam out into the night? Most heads may not have spent much time in the water-with young Chloe heard saying:" Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" much of the way (not quite sure whether he was listening or not because that bloody wind did NOT abate!); but hey, it was a first attempt and it's not going to get much worse!
I've advised the girls that they can get used to the thought of more night swims (hopefully in better conditions-coz I'm not getting back on that board otherwise!). Their training is going to encompass many different conditions and challenges. They also have to keep their school work up to date whilst organising fundraisers for the "Sea 2 See" Challenge. It's not going to be easy, but to paraphrase Capt M. Webb"- nothing ever is. And they've got a real B#$%^ of a Team Manager!!!
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